Time for Anything

Time Management

We love to say we have no time, myself included. We act as if everyone else is working with a 24+ hour day.

Then, out of nowhere...

  • a meeting goes longer than expected,
  • or there’s an emergency at home,
  • or we get sick and have to rest,
  • or an urgent request requires our attention.

All of these situations throw off our day, but we make it work.


  • sleep a little less,
  • or delegate the work to someone else,
  • or simplify the task,
  • or create a more efficient approach.

In truth, we know that we are all working with a 24-hour day. The difference is in how we use it. When we say we have no time, what we are really saying is that we have decided that another commitment is more important.

Emergencies help us see where our real priorities lie.

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