A Prime Case for Amazon's "Buy With Prime"


I was chatting with a client last week who sells mostly in retail and Amazon rather than their own e-commerce channel. They mentioned a recent product launch and how they plan to drive customers to Amazon to purchase the product. Their decision had to do with getting better margins via Amazon.

There's been a lot of chatter about Amazon's new integration with Shopify via Buy With Prime and this couldn't be a better use case. Rather than driving traffic to Amazon, our client can offer the benefits of Amazon Prime to customers through their own website. Given their sales channels, understanding their customers has always been a challenge. Buy With Prime would give them access to customer data for every purchase, which is not available through Amazon, making it easy to re-market to them for upcoming launches, discounts, and more.

In case you missed it: Amazon launched its Buy With Prime Shopify app today! Learn more. For more information on Buy With Prime, check out my post here.


This post originally appeared in Edition No. 165 of my newsletter. Subscribe here.

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